Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Sometimes, I just feel that I need guidance in my life...

I desperately need someone to guide me...

At least someone for me to rely on and follow his footsteps...

I'm lost... I need directions...

I want to know...

 "What is right, and what's wrong?"

 "Why things shouldn't be done?"

 "When to do the right things?"

Many mistakes been make because of my ignorance...

People say, you should learn from mistakes...

But I think, why don't we learned before the mistakes?

I need someone to talk to...

Someone that can listen to me...

Someone that always be there whenever I need help...

In short, I just need an intimate friend... What we so call “ 知己”


  1. Sound so emo this post...

    Friends can easy find once you say "Hi"
    but anything that continue after it is all depend on how you treat the other =)

    Is not that easy to find someone who close to you and similar with you...
    But i found it now =)
    *you should know that i had never been in love before and i only focusing on my friends since child but yet until now college life i only found someone same like me =)

    life still longer, you may just not meet someone but try your best =)
    never try never know...

    If we can learn before we make the mistaken...
    then we will not ever know what mistaken it is...

    Anyway, try you best la... haha...
    hope you can understand my poor english =)

    cheer!!! =D

  2. there's always a fren who are willing to listen to u ...
    be happy o ..=)
