Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sem 6 Holidays part 2

Spent a week in Kampar although Orientation week haven start...

Gone through the four days meeting and preparations...

This year management isn't so good...I mean, if compare to previous years...

Everything just looked damn messy...

The planning was messy...

The organizing committee were messy...

I knew they did their very best...

Have no right to criticizing them, as we didn't do anything much to help either...

Just hope they can handle the situation during the Orientation week...

By the way, hope I got some real "gila gila" group members this time too...

Like last year, thanks to all my group 5 members...Those real active members...Miss them a lot...

Hope I can do my very best this time too...Aza Aza~!! ^^

Spent time in room with my honey " desktop"  XP
Gaming, gaming and keep on gaming...

Call of duty, Call of duty and Call of duty...

Love FPS (first person shooting) game series like this...

Latest Call of Duty 7 Black Ops
It's really a hell of an experience...Everything just look so real, as if I am in the game...

Each episode I played, it just like I watch a Hollywood movie...It really damn nice, especially the story line...
The graphic improve from time to time, thing become nicer and nicer for each episode...
See for yourself...^^

Call Of Duty, World at War
Talks about the world war two...
It is not as good as the other episodes, but at least I learned something from it...
I knew how Japanese and Nazis's cruelty...
I knew how they fought during world people died...
It is a eye opener experience too, when you got a chance to burn enemies fortress into ashes, cut through enemies throat, shoot them in the head and spread blood all around...
You can't do things like this in the movie rite? Unless you are the actor itself... XP

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